A cube full of ginger makes the dollars stretch further… and can save you time later on. I’m sure you’ve found yourself purchasing a nice sized thumb of fresh ginger for a specific recipe, and then you wrap and store the rest in the refrigerator only to take it out a week later for another recipe and find that the ginger has dried up and is no longer usable.
Here’s a great tip:
Purchase a larger thumb and peel and grate the whole piece. Use what you need for your current recipe and mix the remainder with a little water and fill an ice cube tray or even a few shot glasses with the remainder. Cover and place in the freezer until frozen. You can then remove the cubes and store in a freezer bag for future use. The ginger remains fresh; it’s already pre-measured, and can easily be added to a soup, stir-fry or any of your favorite recipes that require fresh ginger.
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