Tag Archives | Ginger

Easy Bake Biscotti

Easy Bake Biscotti

Making biscotti normally involves baking your biscotti 3 times; baking as a loaf to start; slicing into the oblong cookies and baking the slices for a shorter period of time on one side; and then flipping them over and baking again on the other side. My method is a lot easier and cuts the baking […]

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Cooking Tips The Yacht Chef

A Cube Full of Ginger

A cube full of ginger makes the dollars stretch further… and can save you time later on. I’m sure you’ve found yourself purchasing a nice sized thumb of fresh ginger for a specific recipe, and then you wrap and store the rest in the refrigerator only to take it out a week later for another […]

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Cherry and Ginger Soup from Table for Two New Mexico

Cherry and Ginger Soup at Dinner for Two in Santa Fe, New Mexico

You know how once in a great while, you happen upon an exceptional restaurant and your experience with the food you enjoyed there remains in your brain and on your taste buds for weeks. Well, that was what I experienced recently while there on vacation visiting a very dear lifetime friend. We had just taken […]

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